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I am an educator, volunteer, & lifelong learner. I am currently finishing my second master’s degree, this one from DePaul University in Critical Ethnic Studies. My thesis work has focused on second generation Turkish Americans in Chicago. Essentially the work examines the factors that best help children of migrants maintain their ethnicity. As the daughter of a Turk, especially since losing him, I am keenly aware of what my ethnicity means to me, and how I can best pass it on to my boys. As an educator, I am interested in how the learning of one’s own culture blends with our professional and personal missions. My previous degrees are in Communications (Radio/TV/Film) from UW-Madison, and French & secondary teaching certification from Elmhurst College (following a career change from radio broadcasting to teaching). My previous masters degree is in Education ( Curriculum & Instruction) from North Central College. I adore teaching, and look forward to returning to the classroom after the completion of my thesis work. But, most of all, I look forward to incorporating and welcoming the second and third generation Turkish Americans in the Chicago area into becoming (re) involved in TACA.